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December 6, 2023

How to Make Money Online for Beginners

I’ve made over $4M in the last 4 years online, including over $2M on digital course sales in the last 2 years.

I put together this free guide to share a lot of what I’ve learned. I’ll be updating it continuously as I learn and remember more.

This guide breaks down different ways to make money online and captures learnings from my actual work, wins, and losses.

If you want updates, simply subscribe to my newsletter.

  • Part 1: 7 ways to make money online
  • Part 2: My own portfolio of online one-person businesses
  • Part 3: 16 tips for making money online from what I’ve learned

I hope you find this helpful.

Don’t overcomplicate making money online

Most people want to make money online, but they make the process harder than it needs to be.

This can prevent them from getting started at all.

After building a portfolio of one-person businesses to over $4M in revenue, I’ve learned that making money online doesn’t have to be complex.

With this in mind, let’s dive into 7 possible income streams to make your first dollar on the internet.

7 ways to make money online

  1. Offer your skill as a service
  2. Create and sell digital products
  3. Offer Software as a Service (SaaS)
  4. Do cohort-based coaching
  5. Monetize a personal blog
  6. Become a consultant
  7. Seek out sponsorships

1. Offer your skill as a service

One of the best ways to make money online is by selling your skill as a service.

I like this method because upfront costs are low, but the earning potential is significant.

Let’s say you’re new to solopreneurship and don’t have the capital to start a traditional business, but your friends, family, and past employers have mentioned you’re an excellent writer.

You can monetize that skill by selling writing services:

  • Write ad copy for businesses
  • Ghostwrite blogs for CEOs and founders
  • Produce written social media content for brands

The list goes on.

Depending on what skill you’re selling, you likely don’t need much to get started. For example, freelance writers can manage with a reliable laptop and an internet connection.

Upfront time investment

Be ready to invest a full day into optimizing your LinkedIn & Twitter profiles to attract ideal clients.

Then set up a service page showcasing your offering.

Imagine waking up every morning wiser, stronger, and more focused than the day before. That’s personal growth. It’s that inner fire pushing you to challenge limits and continuously evolve who you are and how you work. It’s more than just a buzzword, it’s a way of life, driving you to tap into your fullest potential.

In the pursuit of success and self-improvement, one thing is often overlooked: Mindset. We buy courses, attend workshops, and consume endless content, but the truth is, personal growth extends beyond just gaining new skills. We must also transform our mind — turning our limiting beliefs into a positive mindset that allows us to thrive.

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