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December 6, 2023

How to Find Your (Profitable) Niche

The #1 reason why solopreneurs never get traction with their online business is they aren’t focused on a specific customer.

Instead, they are wildly unfocused.

I want to teach you 3 different methods to “find your niche” and target a specific audience with a specific problem.

A problem you can solve.

3 ways to choose your niche

  1. Choosing a sub-niche by audience
  2. Choosing a sub-niche by product or service
  3. Creating your own “niche of one”

Method 1: Choosing a sub-niche by audience

A sub-niche is a smaller subsection of a broad audience. Generally, it works like this:

Broad audience → niche → sub-niche

You can apply this formula to the audience you’re looking to attract.

For example, let’s say you’re a personal trainer looking to build an online coaching business.

Rather than targeting athletes (broad audience), or runners (niche), you could focus specifically on marathon runners (sub-niche).

This example assumes you have deep knowledge of marathon running and can speak intelligently about the topic.

Method 2: Choosing a sub-niche by product or service

You can also apply this to the product or service that you are creating to arrive at your audience.

Instead of your product being a book (broad product), or a cookbook (niche), you could focus specifically on creating a vegan dessert cookbook (sub-niche).

Or, rather than offering a generic service such as coaching (broad service), or leadership coaching (niche), you could focus specifically on leadership coaching for female entrepreneurs (sub-niche).

The result?

Once you narrow down to a sub-niche, your audience is more likely to have the same challenges, and therefore the same wants and needs.

That’s where you come in.

Now what?

Once you’ve narrowed it down to your sub-niche audience, you can start learning more about them.

  • Where do they hang out online?
  • What jargon and language do they use?
  • What podcasts and YouTube channels do they watch?
  • Who is already serving this audience i.e. who are your competitors?

Method 3: Creating your own “niche of one”

The most compelling creators online are, what I call, a niche of one.

A niche of one is a unique combination of skills and interests rolled into one idea and then distributed through highly creative or technical content.

When you do this well, you own a micro-niche.

You become the category creator. The best in show. The only.

And you can deliver products and services that people will pay for.

If you want to do this well, you need to understand the formula and the 6 building blocks behind a niche of one.

Imagine waking up every morning wiser, stronger, and more focused than the day before. That’s personal growth. It’s that inner fire pushing you to challenge limits and continuously evolve who you are and how you work. It’s more than just a buzzword, it’s a way of life, driving you to tap into your fullest potential.

In the pursuit of success and self-improvement, one thing is often overlooked: Mindset. We buy courses, attend workshops, and consume endless content, but the truth is, personal growth extends beyond just gaining new skills. We must also transform our mind — turning our limiting beliefs into a positive mindset that allows us to thrive.

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